I realised today that it been a good few months since I last sat down and gave you the benefit of my 'wisdom'!
In some respects this is a good sign, work has been busy and, thus, my time has been fully occupied moving house whilst juggling the twin demands of being the boss of an increasingly busy practice and being a Dad to two increasingly demanding children. On the other hand, I have a head full of 'stuff' that needs to get out!
One thing that we have noticed in recent months is the wide variety of questions we are being asked when quoting, many of which are completely irrelevant and cannot be of any realistic help when the (prospective) Client is considering who to appoint to deliver their project. In fact, we are often NOT asked the three or four questions that I WOULD ask if I were in their shoes.
So what should you be asking? Here are my suggestions(in no particular order of importance). Your thoughts and comments would, as ever, be appreciated:
5. Do you have any Clients I can speak to or completed projects I can visit that are similar to my project?
I plan to do a small series of blogs addressing why I think that these are the important questions to ask and expanding upon some of the important things that you should look out for in the answers and why - so watch this space!
Alternatively, you could give us a ring on 01279 444 904 and ask me my own questions and see how I answer them in real life - but only if you have a real project to accompany them!